Vrag - Hallucination

Here underneath the vaulting trees
The earth begets departed a deep slumber
And in the dark the living
Dance and fuck upon their names etched in sandstone and marble

The soil is soaked in the sorrow
Of many funerals emits a black glow
And in the gray light of my last dawn
I feel the funeral warmth of many wombs and bosoms

I have taken in the flowers of death
That bloom nine times a year by the Stanmore road
And the red witches hats from Oberon Forest
I dream…

The deathsign placed above
The sunwheel sign
For darkness is never born of light

And as does death
Attain flight by night
So does the sun proceed beneath the ground

In the black eye-socket
Of a winged mosaic skull
As from afar there glimmers a green diamond

Its yellow bone lusters
Like honey amber
Invites a taste of death, perhaps?

And if you were of
That taste partake
Be sure to first
Gouge out the eye

Lest the long-dead
See though the wells of time
Your tongue caressing
Their cold cheekbones

The branches as if inverted castle's towers
Point downwards towards the soil that boils
Under my feet
And then consumes me wholly

Within the ground and the tangled roots
Uncounted skulls filled with earth and worms
Whisper of days of old and cold
And things the living had no time to do

The crumbling sand into the inner earth
And its sky wide and black
Into the dark lakes far below
Echoing in the endless gloom

Carry away my soul, my sorrow
Dissolve me in the clear water
May my name be all forgotten
And fall as rain upon the hidden earth

I hear the black deep of the world resound
With echoes born before the birth of time
Will my ancestors mortified by war and age
Greet me and smile and sing their songs?

There is no peace
This piece may seem a tranquil one
But it is born of restlessness and anguish

Within my dreams
Exists a world
That welcomes me in dire delirium
I hold the key to the black gate whence forth
I know that there is no return…
No return.