Vrag - Black Plague of Human Extinction

I evoke a vision of a cleansing fire
That swept Europa seven hundred years back
So many people died of plague that
No one remained to put out the fires
The sky drew black as the people fled
Falling dead by the roadside
With naught but dogs and foxes
To serve the funeral rites
And there was a profound silence
As there was no-one left to toll the bells

Where is your Jesus now?

Does Mother Mary look the other way?
Does the sight of a mass grave abhor the father?

Here was a part of history that I hold dear
The people who survived it were
In a black depression. Why would the
Lord slay the young and frail
And leave them all alone in a devastated land?
The lord is mad, no one is saved
There is no justice in the end, no paradise
No paradise

And in the desolate ashen world
Of crimson fires on the horizon
And wheeled criminals as Heronimous Bosch
Revealed, roamed the predecessors of our own people
Have we inherited their horror?

Does our fate lie with some hidden vice
Unleashing death that has no boundary but the void
No one to survive it when it comes and whence
The earth, the water, spirit, stone or fire?

The black plague of humanity's extinction
The seething fanfare of our end-days
We welcome you with open arms and thighs
Come rid the earth of our foul kin

Here is a disillusioned child
Blaspheming, drunk adolescent lout
And a cold cynical man
I do believe in every word I say
I mean it from the depths of my sick heart
Humanity is sick and the one cure is death
Prepare yourself
Prepare yourself